Day 3
Today, we have had a great day so far starting with breakfast together and then breaking off into our groups to complete our art and drama.
The art group showcased their work based on "The Boy in the striped pyjamas" - water colour portraits formed on brusho background with some wire work intertwined. They also made poppy sculptures, which were based on the work of Georgia O'Keefe.
The drama group completed their final touches and rehearsed their scenes that they had designed before presenting them to the group.
All of the children had worked so hard on both the art work and their drama. The staff at Ingestre have been very impressed with their effort and also their behaviour throughout their time so far.
We have enjoyed the lovely weather today: eating outside and again having lots of free time outside. This afternoon, we swapped our groups and started drama or art. Children have really enjoyed their first few lessons in their new subject and have already started to create some fantastic work!
Tonight, we enjoyed a dinner or sausages, mash and peas. This was followed by some refreshing ice cream. We have visited the gift shop tonight with Mrs Hunt and are now preparing to go on a "light walk" around the grounds. After this, we are going to play some team games before we make our way to bed.
The residential gallery has been updated with pictures of the last few days.
You can access that by clicking here.
We are looking forward to our last full day tomorrow and carrying on with our new subjects!