Our penultimate day at Edgmond Hall.... and the weather has been beautiful today! This morning, we started with cereal and then had yummy criossants (Mr Ahearn's favourite)

A huge well done to:

Sleeping Lions: Annika, Avshaan, Sienna, Dylan

Brave Birds: Zach, Nieve, Harmarni

Stars of the Day: Skye, Evie, Aryan, Elliot

After breakfast, the children split into groups to go and meet and feed either the chickens or goats at Edgmond Hall.

The morning activities consisted of: Fencing, Archery and blindline/ sensory activities (groups that didn't do it yesterday, did it this morning (see yesterday's blog for more information). 

After our packed lunch (which included a tasty dairy free cake), we paired up to do orienteering. We explored a birds eye view map of the Edgmond Hall site to find the clues dotted around. However, first, we had to scratch up our map reading skills, using a compass to place the map the right way around and learn what all the different symbols on a map represents. Children got into pairs to complete the activity and it quickly became a competition to see who could finish first. Any pairs that were successful got challenged with a further map.

Once we had had our dinner which was a chicken dinner complete with potatoes, stuffing and an array of vegetables with rice pudding for desert, we ventured into the forest to find sticks and dry wood as fuel for... you guessed it... the campfire which we have been anticipating all week. The weather was on our side which meant we had a wonderful evening around the campfire. This included having hot chocolate and tucking into snacks, singing an array of hilarious campfire songs and of course... it wouldn't be complete without toasting marshmallows on the fire! It was just delightful!

Once back at Edgmond Hall, children showered to wash away the smell of bonfire smoke and got tucked in for our final night. 

While unfortunately it was after the children had gone to bed, the staff were very lucky and got the chance to see the magical Northern Lights shine over Edgmond Hall. To say it was breathtaking and overwhelming is an understatement! We are so excited to show the children the pictures we captured in the morning, but you can see a sneak peak here too. Did you get to see them back in Birmingham?

Tomorrow will be our last day at Edgmond and what an absolutely fantastic week it has been. Children have had an incredible time, made memories, tried things they have never done before and have shown such curiosity, resilience, independence and creativity. We are so proud of our Grove Valers! 

Friday will consist of stripping beds and packing first thing, followed by an activity called memory rockets. This wonderful, final activity will encourage children to reflect on their favourite memories and experiences of the week. These will then be atatched to rockets and fired into the sky. We will be having pizza for lunch and aim to be back at school for 2.30pm. 

We really hope you have enjoyed catching up through the blog, we apologise again for the delay in uploading photos, this has been down to slow internet connection, but all photos should now be uploaded.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday afternoon. 


Edgmond Hall 2024 - Day 4 and 5