This is a brief summary of our week at Edgmond Hall. Due to the weak signal we are unable to post photos until we return. All the children are well and enjoying their time away.

Day 1

We arrived on time and firstly unpacked our bags. We then made our beds and found our bearings around…

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Edgmond Hall 2016

Image of Edgmond Hall 2016

Finally up and running

Dear parents, we are finally up and running as we now have wifi!! Yay! frownfrown

However, please be aware of the fact that we are still having great difficulty in remaining online and will not be able to post as often as we'd like. Please continue to check back…

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Edgmond Hall 2015

Image of Edgmond Hall 2015

Hi all,

We have just completed our first full day at Edgmond and we are loving every minute. We have settled in well and started our program successfully.


We arrived at Edgmond Hall where we were greeted by all of the friendly staff. We were shown where to keep all of our things…

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