Multiplication Tables


Multiplication tables knowledge is an extremely essential and progressive skill throughout primary school. These do not only underpin mental math strategies but are also the foundation of all aspects of the maths curriculum from calculation methods to fractions.


National Curriculum Multiplication Table Expectations by Year:


Year Group


Year 1

Count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.

Recall and use all doubles to 10 and corresponding halves.

Year 2

Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables including recognising odd and even numbers.

Year 3

Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.

Year 4

Recall and use multiplication and division facts for tables up to 12 x 12

National Multiplication Table Check (MTC)

Year 5

Revision of all times tables and division facts up to 12 x 12

Year 6

Revision of all times tables and division facts up to 12 x 12


Most important 36 facts:

Ensuring children are secure in the multiplication tables according to their year group expectation, guarantee they can access and make expected progress within the maths curriculum, as well as developing mental math strategies helping them in every day life.


To ensure children are making the expected progress against the multiplication tables, the government have introduced a national Multiplication Tables Check (MTP) which will test children when they are in year 4.


How will we support your child?


  • Regular multiplication table visiting as a whole class.
  • Implementation of multiplication tables in mental maths session.
  • Provide them with strategies and regular opportunities to secure their multiplication table focus in school and at home.
  • Regular promotion and monitoring of times table rockstars, rewarding children for consistent use at home, targeting questions of TTRS to the child's multiplication table focus.


How can you support your child?


  • Practise times tables regularly with your child.
  • Asking your child multiplication questions out of order – such as ‘What’s 11x12? What’s 5x6?’
  • Using apps and games like TT Rockstars.
  • There are clever tricks for remembering several of the times tables. For instance, on Youtube watch Andrew Jeffrey’s method for tackling the seven times table. 
  • There are many resources online that provide engaging games like
  • Wall charts show all the answers for a particular times table. You could download  Oxford Owl free times table wall charts and stick them up somewhere they’ll be seen often. For instance, you could put them over the sink so that your child will see them when they’re brushing their teeth. You’ll be amazed how quickly they learn when they see these number facts every day! 


Timestable Games Here!


TTRS and Rewarding

Have you won mathematician of the term?

Have you made the top 10 speed in your class Times Tables Rockstars leaderboard?

Children should be using TTRS at least 3 times per week as part of the homework expectation. Children can win mathematician of the term, which is based on effort and improvement on TTRS, as well as make the top 10 leader board by improving their speed.

Have you received a trophy badge?


Each term there will hold a multiplication tables celebration. See below to see the award children should receive each half term if on track. If they are not on track, they are still able to receive a reward when they are at that mile stone. See below expected milestone depending on term:


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 1


I can count in 2’s


I can count in 5’s


I can count in 10’s


I can count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s

Year 2


I can count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s

I know my 2 times tables


I know my 5 times tables



I know my times table facts for 2’s, 5’s and 10s

Year 3

I can count in 3’s

I know my 3 times tables

I know my 4 times tables

I know my 8 times tables

I know my 11 times tables


I know my times tables facts for 3’s, 4’s, 8’s and 11’s

Year 4


I know my times tables facts for 3’s, 4’s, 8’s and 11’s

I know my 6 times tables

I know my 9 times tables

I know my 12 times tables

I know my 7 times tables



I am secure in all my times tables!


Multiplication Tables Overview

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