Dear Parents, Carers and families,
Following the Prime Minister’s briefing this afternoon, we are hoping to seek further clarification regarding the implications for Grove Vale today. We will keep you fully updated once we have received this from our Local Authority. Thank you all for your continued support during this unprecedented time.
We understand that many of you will have questions about the weeks ahead; please be assured that we will be passing all the information we have along to you. We will do this via Parentpay and via the school website over the coming days.
As I’m sure you can imagine every member of the school staff will be working very hard to ensure that the next two days are as smooth as possible.
To assist us with this please try to avoid phoning school unless absolutely necessary tomorrow and Friday. Please email via the contact page on the website if it is urgent.
We would like to achieve something positive on Friday itself as our last normal day for at least a month. To that end, we will be allowing the children to come to school in colourful and cheerful clothing tomorrow.
We know that everyone is anxious about the current climate, but we would like to try and do something as a school family to help people who need it the most.
I am very proud to have such an amazing team of staff who are stepping up to ensure that all children have what they need, we are here to support you.
Thank you.
Kind Regards
Mrs A Connop