Returning to School

We are now opening school for all children under government guidance. This guidance indicates that it is a statutory requirement that children attend school full time after being open to key workers and specific groups before the summer holiday. 

The information on our corona virus and home…

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Key Worker Guidance 20/3/20

Image of Key Worker Guidance 20/3/20

Dear Parents,

Please see the guidance via the link and attachments below and attached re Key Workers. The guidance was released at midnight, schools have only today to put plans in place. 

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Update 19.3.2020 Mrs Connop

Image of Update 19.3.2020 Mrs Connop

Dear Parents, Carers and families,


Following the Prime Minister’s briefing this afternoon, we are hoping to seek further clarification regarding the implications for Grove Vale today. We will keep you fully updated once we have received this from our Local Authority. Thank you all for your…

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